HEYY , Jemari Menari
menari, menari, &menari


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i'm not special person , but not an ordinary person too :)
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Friday, October 30, 2009

miss you!

da lame x update blog..
acctly banyak story..
n banyak yg ter jadi kat aq sepanjang aq xupdate blog niy..
tp xdpt aq nk crite cOz sum of them are private to me .
n sum of them i already forget about them .

ade satu incindent yang berlaku pd mggu lepas kowt .
aq ngn dak2 tusyen ptrs pegi program seminar kat shah alam..
seharian kat sane .
dr pagi kuwl 8 smpai kuwl 6 bwu btolak bale k..
tp bile kat sane..
aq tade jumpe sapesape yg aq kenal pown sjk dr pagi..
bile time dah nak balek tuh..
zaher gtaw aku die jumpe AIDIL .
uhh . terjekOt aq .
i miss her sgt² kowt ..
lame xjumpe die..
akhir nye dpt gak aq jumpe die..
die pown tkejot jumpe aq..
dan kjadian ini mnyebabkan orang laen pown tkejot coz aidil mnjerit .
haha .
tuh jek yg aq larat nk citer .
